
Ladies still Go-Going on annual cruises to Ensenada

Carole Karamanos

More than 10 years ago, a cadre of ladies from TeWinkle Middle School

in Costa Mesa started a group called “Go-Go” -- “Girls Only Go Out.”

The group started having Bunko Parties, viewing movies together,

meeting for dinner at special restaurants, getting together at spring

break for outings in Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead and Palm Springs. We

even take annual cruises to Ensenada, Mexico.

Some women are married, some are single, and most now have grown

children. All needed a time to get together for a lot of fun -- and

even act a little outlandish without husbands and significant others


At other times, teachers even brought stacks of papers to grade

while sunning themselves by the pool.

Some activities have gone by the wayside, but the annual cruise to

Ensenada has held fast. Each year, there have been at least eight

women who have made the trip. Once, there were 22 of us, mostly

teachers and office staff from TeWinkle and Estancia and Costa Mesa

high schools. But that included sisters, mothers and close friends.

Specially planned “dress-up” evenings, scavenger hunts and secret

pal exchanges make the cruise a blast. The cruise last November

included “Black Hat Night,” which was especially fun. There were 10

ladies, and each wore a black hat and a black outfit. There was even

a hat for the waiter.

What happens when you get a bunch of old friends together?

Laughter, laughter and more laughter.

Women from other tables wanted to join in on the fun. Shipboard

events, photo shoots and outrageous mealtimes are by far the most

memorable events.

Many women have retired or moved across the country, but still

return for the annual cruise when they can make it. We are no longer

the “Go-Go Girls,” but rather a “Ya-Ya Sisterhood” of close friends.

* CAROLE KARAMANOS is a Costa Mesa resident.

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