
Former U.S. Ambassador will speak Jeane J....

Former U.S. Ambassador will speak

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick will speak as the 2002-03 Peltason Lecturer

on Thursday at UC Irvine.

Kirkpatrick served as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. from 1981 to

1985, and was a member of Ronald Reagan’s cabinets and the National

Security Council during that time. She was also a member of the

president’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and the Defense

Policy Review Board. In 1985, she returned to teaching at Georgetown

University, where she holds the Leavy Professorship. In March,

President Bush announced that he will appoint Kirkpatrick as the U.S.

representative to the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

The lecture will be from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday at 1100 Social

Science Plaza A at UCI.

Number of JWA passengers increases

Passenger traffic slightly increased at John Wayne Airport in

April compared to the same period in 2002.

In April, there were nearly 3,000 more passengers, for a 0.4%

increase, than in April 2002, JWA officials reported Tuesday. The

airport saw 660,392 passengers in April and 657,598 passengers last


Meanwhile, there were less commercial carrier flights in April

compared to last year. There were 6.5% less flights.

Commuter carriers, or air taxis, showed a 150.6% increase in

April. General aviation activity dropped 4%.

Total operations decreased 1.9%. There were 28,822 takeoffs and

landings in April where there were 29,386 in April 2002.
