
Condo plan a dark one for neighbors

I would like to express my concern about the 161 condos slated to be

developed at 1901 Newport Blvd., at 19th Street.

While most of Costa Mesa was preoccupied with Kohl’s and Trinity

Broadcast Network, this project seemed to slip by under the radar.

Part of that may have to do with the fact that it was approved not at

a regularly scheduled City Council meeting, but at a Redevelopment

Agency meeting. Also, perhaps not enough residents feel directly

threatened by it, as I do, being a resident of Bernard Street (the

project’s northern border). But this project has far reaching

implications, not just for the surrounding area, but for the entire


Although it was alluded that the developer, Rutter Development,

was sent back to the drawing board once, the current project was

accepted in its current form without any changes. In fact, anytime

any hint was made that something should be changed, the developer

would say it would harm or jeopardize the project, and that would be

the end of discussion.

This project consists of a five-story parking structure and 161

condos housed in four-story (really five, going by height) buildings,

all on what is currently a parking lot for a commercial building.

In order to achieve this, the City Council had to approve changes

to the general plan and part of the municipal code to allow twice the

density that would otherwise have been allowed and for the five-story

parking structure. Also, a parking variance was included.

There is no residential development of this height or density

anywhere else in Costa Mesa. Keep in mind the Planning Commission,

when it approved it, indicated that Costa Mesa is built out and now

must build up, and that similar projects are the future for the city.

So if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere in town and to you.

It appears rules are made to be broken, at least by those who make

the rules.

An environmental report was filed for the project. It indicated

virtually no impact to utility and city services, traffic and

surrounding parking. That’s a lot to swallow, at least for me. If you

believe that, I’ve got some property to sell ... never mind.

Also, it said that the shadows caused by the buildings in winter

and cast on the north Bernard lots are not “significant.” Once again,

I’m sorry, but having my front yard and parts of my house in darkness

during most of the day for close to three months is not acceptable.

It impacts the vegetation, the perception of the property, house/yard

maintenance and the residents’ psychologically.

The project will close an alternate access route to 19th Street

(i.e., through the current parking lot). That only leaves a left turn

onto Harbor from Bernard, which is difficult at times. The city has

requested a deposit for stoplights, but has made no assurances that

one will be built and will have to return the money to the developer

after five years. I want the signal now.

Parking will be atrocious. You’ve been around other condo and

apartment complexes, and you know what I mean -- nothing but cars

lined up and down the street and traffic at all hours. The Planning

Commission and City Council wouldn’t even accept a city staff

recommendation to close an east exit onto Bernard Street.

What this means is that we will have drunks from a planned and

“much needed” nightclub racing down our street at all hours of the

night. Some spoke in favor of the project, considering it to be

affordable housing. If they are thinking inexpensive, they are wrong.

It will be sold at whatever the market will bear.

Kudos go to former Mayor Karen Robinson and Councilman Allan

Mansoor for voting against it.

And there is still a chance to fight it. Mansoor and the Costa

Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth have filed applications for a

rehearing. This will be discussed at the City Council meeting on

Monday, with the actual hearing held later, if approved.

Be there if you can. Everyone should live by the same rules. Your

home may depend on it.


Costa Mesa
