
Council decision a matter of quality of...

Council decision a matter of quality of life

Regarding Trinity Broadcasting Network’s outdoor cameras and


We are bombarded every day with more and more disruptions to the

“quiet life” we were trying to achieve by moving away from Los

Angeles County and into the suburbs of Orange County. Bigger freeways

with more commercial trucks, more cars and SUVs, bigger airplanes

flying over with more flights, more people, closer spaces, smaller

houses and little yards. I now have flights from the Long Beach

Airport going over my house, and I am in the flight pattern for the

helicopters that roam the skies.

The most important thing we have is the quality of life we can

come home to after a long day at work or school. But little by

little, we are losing it to the people and businesses who want their

profit over our comfort. When will it end?

I have nothing against Trinity, but I am happy that the City

Council voted to preserve the quality of life of the neighbors who

were there long before Trinity was. For once, money and power did not

win out.


Costa Mesa

Red-light cameras are a signal of safety

I just want to comment about the red-light cameras being put into

Costa Mesa.

It is a great idea. I am a resident in the French Quarter on

Harbor Boulevard and Giesler Avenue and I think they need one there.


Costa Mesa

City Hall should be free of party politics

I am completely taken aback by the interest the Republican Party

is taking in Costa Mesa filling a council seat. It is sad that they

are interjecting their influence about the party affiliation of the

candidates seeking the position.

I have always voted for the person I felt would serve Costa Mesa

best. It seems now I have to know their party affiliations. This city

should be run by the most qualified individuals no matter what party

they belong to. Since the Republican Party has shown an interest in

this matter, Costa Mesa will not be free of the Republican influence,

and the council members will not be free to do their best for Costa


After seeing what the Republican Party did to one candidate with

their telephone campaign about her party affiliation and the sneaky

trick that Councilman Chris Steel and former Mayor Karen Robinson

pulled to keep Councilman Gary Monahan from becoming mayor, I cannot

in good conscience vote for a Republican.

I believe in fair play, which is something the Republican Party

knows nothing about. In future Costa Mesa elections, I will vote the

blank spots because it will not matter who gets elected because they

will be Republicans and they all must march to the party ideology or



Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Councilman Gary Monahan is well known for his

Republican Party affiliation, and former Mayor Karen Robinson is a


A poetic finish to a surprising crash

Daily Pilot reporter Deepa Bharath wrote a story on April 18 that

treated my accident with good taste and good humor (“Boom! Crash!

Smash!”) I try to respond in kind to her creative remarks.

Reporters on the job today

Look for special things to say

About unusual or bizarre

topics, even about a car

Whose driver went to sleep

Just 100 yards from home.

His message, now, is one big deal:

Each time you get behind the wheel,

You may live or you may die

Depending on how hard your try

To stay awake.

Luck and God were with me then

But I suggest to you that when

You get behind the wheel at all

You treat it as a “wake-up” call!

I am gratefully appreciative for the timely and professional

services of the Newport Beach Police and Fire Departments.


Newport Beach

Egos not needed near Newport parks

We love Jack Faulkner. ... He’s been around since Norm Van

Brocklin and Bob Waterfield were the quarterbacks of the L.A. Rams

(“Salata deserves a park in his name, and much more”). Doesn’t he

live in St. Louis now?

We thought the naming of parks and buildings and such had been

taken care of recently by our present City Council. Didn’t they just

say no to overactive egos and self-aggrandizing chest beating? We

thought they already learned the lessons of the people of Mission

Viejo in what they had considered and repealed. Hey, we love Kurt

Warner, Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana, too, but we probably don’t

need to name a sports park after them, since we already have true

superstars living right here in Newport Beach. What’s wrong with Kobe

Bryant Sports Park or Dennis Rodman Sports Park? Jim Thorpe or Jessie

Owens probably deserve that honor, Walter Payton more, as the best

examples of determination, persistence, struggle and achieved

examples of excellence for our youth.

But since our kids probably don’t know who most of those people

are, maybe it should be someone from the WWE like, the Rock.


Newport Beach

No third choice for Robinson’s replacement

After reading the letter from Geoff West in Sunday’s Daily Pilot,

I wonder how he came to the conclusion there can be an alternative or

compromise candidate to fill the empty seat on the Costa Mesa City

Council (“There won’t be anything special about this election”). The

list has been narrowed to two candidates and the others who were on

the list are no longer available candidates. They have been

eliminated. So we have only a choice of either Eric Bever or Michael


I have lived in Costa Mesa for 27 years and have been an activist

for the past 10 years. I have never been involved in baseball (or any

sports activities), nor have I been involved in the Boys & Girls Club

in Costa Mesa. I never heard the name Michael Scheafer until he was

on the list of candidates for the vacant council seat. If Scheafer is

so well known in Costa Mesa, why have most of the activists never

heard of him? If he is so interested in being a council member and

wanting to make Costa Mesa a better place, why was he not present at

the council meeting when they were deciding who would replace Karen


I have read and heard many comments that Bever is only interested

in improving the Westside. This is absolutely not true. I have known

Bever for five years now as an activist, and he has always been for

improving all of Costa Mesa, not just the Westside.

I would suggest the council members seriously consider Eric Bever

for the council seat and get on with business.


Costa Mesa
