
A model example

The second Relay for Life in Newport Beach will begin at 6:30 p.m.


The 24-hour event, one of 15 in Orange County and 3,300 nationwide

this year, raised about $70,000 for the American Cancer Society last

year. Organizers hope to raise about $100,000 with about 60 teams,

about 20 more than last year.

Teams of five to 20 runners or walkers will camp out and circle

Newport Harbor High School’s stadium to raise awareness for the

various forms of cancers and to remember loved ones.

On Wednesday, City Editor James Meier met with former state Sen.

Marian Bergeson at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum to discuss the

race. The longtime Newport Beach resident will serve as the event’s

honorary cancer survivor representing women.

How did you become involved in the Relay for Life?

Well, I was invited to become part of the event as a cancer

survivor because I had breast cancer in 1996. So the interest in

whole aspect of cancer research -- and my brother had cancer about

the same time -- so I’m very close to the situation, and that kind of

involvement draws you into the issue. And with a lot of people, you

find a tremendous support from people that have gone through similar


What does it mean exactly to be the race’s honorary cancer

survivor representing women?

Well, I’ll be there for the kickoff at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. And

I’ll walk a lot of laps. I don’t think I’ll jog very fast, but I

think I’ll walk it. And it’s an all-night affair, as you know, and I

think people will enjoy it because you’re doing something that really

is important and good and you’re having fun doing it.

Did you actively pursue involvement with Relay for Life?

No, somebody called and asked, and I was very happy to agree to it

and I actually told them it’d be a wonderful opportunity to be a part

of something like this.

Have you been involved with other cancer fund-raisers?

Race for the Cure. I chaired that one year, but that was several

years ago. I was still in the Legislature.

How long did it take to overcome your cancer?

Well, you go into periodic checkups, but luckily, mine was caught

early, so following surgery, there has been no indication that it

exists. I feel pretty confident it’s in the past.

Do you know how much organizers expect the event to raise this


No, I do not. But I’m sure it’ll be successful because there’s a

lot of enthusiasm. They’ve done a good job getting the word out.

Are you ready for the event? Have you trained at all?

I work out at least three times a week and more if I can. And I

usually do three or four miles on the treadmill and I do the weights,

so I should be in pretty good shape.

Any final thoughts?

I think this is a community that really cares. It’s reassuring to

see the kind of support that people in the harbor area provide for

causes that make a big difference to many people in need.
