
Canine communication

Suzie Harrison

This weekend, the Dog Ranch Bed and Biscuit will offer programs with

animal advocate and animal communicator Gina Palmer.

Today at 7 p.m., the Dog Ranch will host “An Evening with Gina

Palmer,” and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, it will be have a basic

workshop on “How to Communicate with Animals.”

“I’ve taken a couple of classes with her and I like her style and

ability to communicate with animals,” Dog Ranch owner Stephanie

Marshall said. “I took classes from Palmer because she is a graduate

of Penelope Smith, who is the pioneer in the animal communications


Palmer is coming to the Dog Ranch as a service to its clients.

“Since to so many of our clients, their animals are basically

their children, I thought they would like to learn how to better

communicate with them,” Marshall said.

Palmer said that through the workshop the students will begin to

comprehend the basic skills to communicate with their animal. They

can expect to receive what she gives in her two-day workshop, but the

information will be condensed into a very intensive one-day class.

Asked if she ever receives skepticism about her line of work, she

says she appreciates any opinion.

“Skepticism is a healthy choice to make. It’s their prerogative,

and I welcome it,” Palmer said. “I was one of the world’s greatest

skeptics and I welcome it with open arms.

“Opening one’s awareness fosters positive communication with all

life,” Palmer said. “Come in with an open mind -- actually keep it

skeptical. As long as you find it useful, I completely understand


She said humans think more in the past and future, whereas animals

are focused on the present.

“I’m honing communication skills with all of life,” Palmer said.

“Everyone has natural abilities to communicate with everyone, and

through that, life becomes more vibrant.”

Palmer said that students will learn that animals are intelligent,

capable and aware beings, but not intellectual.

“We’ll explore the difference in the basic workings,” Palmer said.

“It will help people see life through other points of view -- the

animal’s. I hope to achieve and flourish a safe, receptive,

growth-oriented environment and to provide that to the students with

my presence.”

She said that the students need to accept what an animal is

thinking as valid even if it is different than what they thought it

would be or wanted it to be.

“Animals focus on intention and not the outcome,” Palmer said.

“Intention is all that matters to animals. They need to know that the

intention is to please. Animals are not outcome oriented.”

Animals are also not process oriented, they enjoy being with the

people they care about and the process of life, she said. Through

thinking, feeling, understanding and communicating it increases

harmony between humans and other species.

What began as an experiment became a way of life for Palmer. She

began her studies in telepathic communication in Yucatan, Mexico,

with Hunbatz Men, Mayan record keeper and elder. She is a graduate

student of well-known animal communication specialist Penelope Smith.

She livesin San Diego but continues to travel the world to learn

with the animals as well as introduce other humans to the art of

animal communication.

Today’s event will cost $25. The cost of today’s event and the

Saturday class will be $175 per person.

For information and reservations, call 494-0484. Space is limited.

The Dog Ranch is at 20401 Sun Valley Drive. To find out more about

Palmer, go to To find out more about the Dog

Ranch, go to
