
Time again for the ‘blab-off’


A decade or more before there was the TV remote control, our home had

a “blab-off.” Fashioned by my precocious 13-year-old twin cousins,

our TV mute was extraordinarily primitive. From a mysterious place at

the rear of the TV set, the boys attached a long electrical cord that

reached dangerously across our den’s green shag carpet to my father’s

easy chair. Attached to the end of the cord was simple, metal on-off

switch mounted to a small block of unfinished wood. No unwanted

commercials for our family, even in the 1950s!

I’m sure it is much to the displeasure of TV executives and

advertisers that this week celebrates “National TV-Turnoff Week.” In

hearty agreement with this philosophy, our library will join

thousands of schools, community groups and other libraries nationwide

in a coordinated effort to encourage families and individuals to turn

off their TV sets for seven days and pick up a good book to read.

That old sage Groucho Marx once said, “I find television very

educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other

room and read a book.”

We’d like to tempt you to do the same by suggesting a number of

books that contain ideas and activities about what to do while that

TV is off.

It’s spring and there’s no better time to enjoy the outdoors.

Before planning a day in nature, consulting “Afoot and Afield in

Orange County,” “The Sierra Club Family Outdoors Guide” and “Cycling

Orange County” will be helpful.

The entire family will enjoy activities described in “Fun with the

Family in Southern California” and “Adventurous Families in Orange

County.” Also, the library subscribes to Parents and Family Fun


For those preferring a quieter time, “Activities for Anyone,

Anytime, Anywhere,” Getting Started in Drawing,” “Rodale’s Weekend

Gardener” and “Family Fun and Games” will provide inspiration.

Last but not least, while the TV’s off, the library invites you to

join in celebrating National Poetry Month. Throughout April we are

sponsoring our 5th annual community-wide poetry writing contest,

“Versification,” and it’s not too late to submit your literary

masterpiece. Entry forms, including contest guidelines, are available

at the library.

Whether you spend your leisure time actively, contemplatively, or

somewhere in between, the library has books, magazines and videos to

lead you to new, enriching and enjoyable activities.

* MARIANNA HOF writes a bimonthly column for the Coastline Pilot.

She is the Laguna Beach branch librarian.
