
Courts no loss for most players

Paul Puma

I read Ted Caldwell’s comments with interest and amusement. (“Canyon

tennis court shouldn’t be tossed aside,” April 11, Coastline Pilot)

In a city of 25,000 residents with annual visitors that rival many

large cities, he is concerned about 100 to 200 people that act as

they are part of a privileged group.

We have lived in Laguna for almost 20 years and attend the

Festival of the Arts two to three times per year, most of the time

with guests from outside Laguna that spend money in our great


In the same period of time we have never been able to play tennis

at the Canyon Courts due to the “camaraderie” that exists at this

court. Somehow the courts are always “busy” when we want to play.

Instead we go to the high school or Top of the World. We are welcomed

at both locations and rarely have a problem finding a court.

This 100- to 200-person group considers the Canyon Courts a

private tennis club. Let’s shut it down and expand the grounds, which

produces income for Laguna Beach.

The elitist group will then have to fend for themselves like the

rest of us. They have created the problem, now they can live with

their decision to keep this as their private club.

* PAUL PUMA is a Laguna Beach resident.
