
Pilot sports editor a ‘consummate pro’ I...

Pilot sports editor a ‘consummate pro’

I was saddened to read Tuesday morning that Roger Carlson is

retiring from his post as sports editor of the Daily Pilot. He has

been an institution in our midst for more than three decades, and it

just won’t be the same without him. What the community is going to

miss most about him is his passion for his work. Roger truly cared.

I first met Roger in 1967 when we were both working as stringers

for the Daily Pilot, under legendary sports editor Glenn White. Glenn

was a testy, ornery taskmaster. I was a green kid just out of the

Army, returning to school. Journalism, for me, at the time, was a bit

intimidating. Roger was a breath of fresh air in the newsroom. He was

completely unflappable, and I found him to be the perfect role model

for how to behave in a professional setting, under pressure.

Roger later joined the Daily Pilot on a full-time basis. I went on

to finish my degree, and wound up here at Orange Coast College. Roger

remained my friend over the years. He never changed. I’ve had

occasion to sit in many a press box next to him, and he’s a

consummate pro. He not only taught me the intricacies of keeping

accurate football statistics, he also imparted to me the virtues of

hard work, loyalty and dedication. And integrity. He’s a class act!

We’ll miss you Rog!


Senior director of

community relations

Orange Coast College

Costa Mesa

Mixed feelings on Carlson’s retirement

It was with mixed emotions I read in today’s Daily Pilot of the

retirement of Roger Carlson. I was saddened by his departure, because

the Daily Pilot sports section under his leadership has bloomed into

a wonderful, much anticipated part of my daily dose of the Daily

Pilot. On the other hand, I was delighted for Roger and hope he

enjoys his retirement -- he deserves it.

I read each of the tributes from many of his staff members and

others today and came away with my opinion of him confirmed. He has

set the bar high for the lucky individual who follows him.


Costa Mesa

He wrote it the same way he saw it

A thank you to Roger Carlson for all of your community support and

sport reporting over the years. Your integrity regarding the

reporting of local sports has touched many lives and brought many

smiles to athletes, coaches and the local schools during your tenure.

Whether it was reporting junior sports, high schools or UC Irvine

athletics, the Daily Pilot, under your leadership, has always been

there for all of us. Just think of all of the wonderful articles you

have written over the years that are tucked away in everyone’s

scrapbooks or on proud parent’s walls. Your positive input has

restored the images of many people and has directly influenced their

positive outlook on life. You have witnessed so many wonderful things

over the years and I have always appreciated your honesty and hard

work. While I am happy for your retirement, I will miss your

reporting and “telling it like it is”.

As young kids look for role models and direction, I’m sure they

dream of making the Daily Pilot’s Dream Team in any sports they chose

when they grow up. Thank you from all us parents, coaches and

administrations for bringing out the positive in our kids and showing

that hard work will always pay off, whether in sports or in life. We

wish you the best for you are the best.


Corona del Mar High

football coach
