
Amber Yokem, granddaughter of Huntington Beach resident...

Amber Yokem, granddaughter of Huntington Beach resident Cassandra

Heimer, is serving in the Air Force and is deployed in the Middle

East ... Marine Corp Reserve Dony V. Dao, son of Huntington Beach

resident Don V. Dao, was recently called to active duty to serve in

Iraq ... Navy Seaman Courtney Crawford, daughter of Huntington Beach

residents Cathy L. and Bill C. Crawford of Huntington Beach, is

assigned to the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, which is

deployed in the Middle East ...

* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature,

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach

Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA 92648; fax it to (714)

965-7174; or e-mail it to [email protected].
