
When God knocks, get the right door

“If you are never alone with God, it is not because you are too busy;

it is because you don’t care for him, don’t like him. And you had

better face the facts.”


I thought I heard someone knock on our front door, so I went to

check. I’d just started working on this column, and was busily

writing, but it was such a gentle knock that I thought that perhaps a

neighborhood child needed help.

I opened the door, but nobody was there. I looked around, but saw

only one woman down our block. I went to talk with her.

“No, I didn’t knock, but now I can tell you how excited I am about

spending time alone every day with God,” she said. “It makes such a

difference in my life.”

We hugged and then parted ways.

Once back home, I sat and stared at my computer. I didn’t like

what I’d written anymore, so I changed it. Soon ideas popped like

popcorn in my head. I tried to catch and record them as quickly as I

could and was typing away when I heard tapping on our door again.

I stopped mid-sentence to answer the door. There was nobody

anywhere. A neighbor drove by and waved, but that’s all. I shrugged

my shoulders, returned to my computer and read what I’d written. It

was as stale as old popcorn. I wondered what to cook for dinner.

Within moments, our doorbell rang. I bolted to the door thinking

that if somebody was playing “ding-dong-ditch” I was going to

surprise him or her with my speed.

I threw open the front door and came face to face with a very

surprised delivery woman. She looked nervous, but managed to smile,

asked if everything was all right and handed me something to sign. I

thanked her and brought a package inside.

I returned to my computer and spent more time deleting than I did

typing. Ten minutes later, I thought I heard a loud knock on the

door. I didn’t move, but the knocking continued, so finally, in

frustration, I went to see. Nobody was on the other side. There were

some crows bouncing around in the street, but no logical explanation

for the knocks.

I walked back inside and said out loud, “Dear God, I can’t write

with all the knocking. What do you want me to do?”

Then I remembered what my friend said about time alone with God,

something I believe in and try to do daily, but I hadn’t that day. I

went to a different room, closed my eyes and sat quietly. The quieter

I became, the more peaceful my mind and spirit became.

Then it seemed as if I felt God lovingly say, “I was the one

knocking, Cindy. I just want to spend time with you. Don’t look

outside, look to me. Columns will get written and dinners will be

made. Cindy, please stop for awhile and just be with me.”

I came away from that time refreshed and reminded that I need

times of quiet with God everyday. I finished the column and later

cooked dinner.

When God knocks on my heart and soul, I’m going to try to answer

the right door next time.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at

[email protected] or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
