
Foundation works hard for Costa Mesa We...

Foundation works hard for Costa Mesa

We appreciated the report on the Costa Mesa Community Foundation

in the March 10 paper (“OK, now I know everything about Costa Mesa,

maybe”). Thanks to Lolita Harper for coming to our party. It was more

effective in attracting attention than any earlier press releases we

had sent out. Here is a little more information not covered in the

tongue-in-cheek column:

The nonprofit foundation exists to provide opportunities for folks

to contribute assets to benefit the Costa Mesa community. Because we

are a fully tax-exempt, publicly supported organization, donations to

the foundation are tax deductible.

Created in 1988 by the Costa Mesa City Council, the foundation has

garnered almost $100,000, some designated for specific city projects

such as the Neighbors for Neighbors program and the Teen Summit.

Other donations have been for park improvements and for equipment for

the new Fire Department Rescue Squad 85, which was on display at our

recent reception. Henry’s market made a contribution of $10,000

toward play equipment for a soon-to-be-built park on Maple Street.

Those who donate to the foundation may either earmark the funds

for a specific purpose or allow the foundation board to use the funds

as projects are developed. We are presently soliciting donations for

the CostAmazing 50th anniversary celebration of the city. We have

nearly $20,000 so far. Watch for the banners to go up around town to

see how broad the support is.

Unlike other organizations that may solicit over the phone for an

unknown police or fire group, we give 100% of your contributions to

our own Costa Mesa Police and Fire departments, if you so designate.

We have no paid employees. We all volunteer our time, knowing the

entire community benefits.

Check out our Web site, at, to learn more about

us. Contributions can be sent to Costa Mesa Community Foundation at

P.O. Box 10268, Costa Mesa, 92627. Brochures and information on how

to get involved are available at City Hall and the Costa Mesa Chamber

of Commerce.


Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Mary Hornbuckle is vice chairwoman of the Costa

Mesa Community Foundation and a former mayor.

If it fits the general plan, why argue?

The Kohl’s project at Mesa Verde Center is consistent with the

city’s general plan and meets almost all zoning requirements for the

site. I hear the only thing out of the ordinary is a minor parking

variance. Yet some of the same people who opposed Home Ranch on the

grounds that developers are supposed to abide by the general plan are

now complaining about this project, which is compliant. The developer

is abiding by the general plan, but the opponents don’t feel so

protective of it this time around. I think the general plan is one of

those things you need to support, even when it doesn’t serve your own



Balboa Island

Speaker series should have a balance

Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols makes a good point in

questioning why the library’s Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series

does not have a more politically balanced slate of subjects and

speakers (“Lecturers are not chosen lightly,” March 8). If the

series, speakers and topics are advertised as being sponsored by our

public library and if their agenda of speakers and funding need the

“approval” of our City Council, then the city of Newport Beach is

most certainly involved and has a responsibility for fairness in

executing the program.

If the financial sponsors are unwilling to have a balanced slate

of speakers, let them find another forum to present their liberal

agenda. They should not be allowed to hide behind the facade of our

City Council and title of our city library.


Newport Beach
