
“This is just to put this to...

“This is just to put this to a vote of the people. That’s a good

thing. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want this to go to a vote

of the people.”

-- Steve Bromberg, Newport Beach’s mayor, on the City Council’s

6-1 decision to put the 110-room Marinapark resort to a public vote

“We’ve got vending trucks -- which are bothering people --

shopping carts, loud, noisy, dangerous, smoky fireworks -- which are

very illegal and dangerous -- and a bunch of other medical, social,

cultural and educational conditions that we don’t need more than any

other city in the county because of the number of magnets we have.”

-- Chris Steel, Costa Mesa councilman and redevelopment agency

chair, on what he says cause blight on the city’s Westside

“Otherwise, their solution is ‘Let’s have a monitor along when we

start up the bulldozer.”

-- Jan Vandersloot, Newport Beach activist, on the city’s solution

to determining whether the site on which a 150-unit senior housing

complex will be built has any historical significance as a Native

American burial ground

“As a City Council, we have an obligation to see to it that Costa

Mesa is not only a good place to work and do business, but to play.

But in planning, it seems like we’ve completely lost sight of play

for the quality of life of residents.”

-- Karen Robinson, Costa Mesa’s mayor, on the potential bowling

over of Kona Lanes by a Kohl’s department store in the Mesa Verde


“The devil would be in the details. The state has not been kind to

cities and has always found ways of eroding their [tax revenue].”

-- Homer Bludau, Newport Beach city manager, on Assemblyman John

Campbell’s idea to give cities more property tax money so they’re not

as reliant on sales tax dollars
