
Newport Harbor holds onto hope for teacher

Christine Carrillo

For 31 years, Jerry Tagami has sparked literary interest in the

impressionable minds of high school students at Newport Harbor High


And when he decided to open his classroom up to the world of

cinema, students fought to get a seat. So no one was surprised when

students rushed to Hoag Hospital after learning the 59-year-old

teacher suffered a brain aneurysm Monday night.

“We’re keeping it real positive,” said Diane Tagami, who just

married Jerry in July. “It’s been great because of the support of the


As the Tagami family gathered at the hospital, spending nearly

every moment by Jerry’s bedside since Monday night, his students and

colleagues expressed their concern.

Through cards, letters and visits, the community has showed its

gratitude for the teacher who has touched so many lives over the

years, thanks to his choice of career.

But Jerry Tagami never really chose that profession.

“He just kind of stumbled on it,” Diane said. “He can’t believe he

gets paid to do something he loves so much.”

At the high school, Jerry’s teaching methods have proven

effective, and he has proven hard to replace, even on a temporary


“Initially, the prognosis was extremely dismal,” said Michael

Vossen, Newport Harbor’s principal. “People are a little rattled, but

everyone has been trying to carry on as best we can.”

Jerry’s family has been trying to do the same.

Having no prior health complications other than headaches, Jerry’s

immediate diagnosis was serious.

Though he underwent a procedure that alleviated the pressure from

his brain aneurysm, doctors still consider his condition critical.

While Jerry is still unconscious and his recovery is

undeterminable at this time, his family welcomes every sign of

improvement and every sign of community support.

“I told my students today ... in a world that’s measured in

dollars, here’s a man that chose ... a life of a teacher, where you

don’t make a lot of money, but you can make a difference in the

world,” said Joe Robinson, a longtime friend and fellow teacher at

Newport Harbor. “At present, he’s the richest man in Newport.”

* CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949)

574-4268 or by e-mail at [email protected].
