
Don’t deliver on this idea

(Said in a suspiciously low voice) “Yes. Hotties Pizza? I’d like

to place a delivery order for a large pizza and six six-packs of


That scenario -- the low voice, by the bye, is out of the mouth of

a teenager -- rightly has Newport Beach City Councilmen already

questioning a request by the as-yet unopened restaurant to deliver

beer and wine with its pies.

The issue seems two-fold: Is alcohol via delivery an easy way to

get drinks into the hands of underage consumers, and is Hotties,

which is set to open at 325 Old Newport Blvd., a little too close to

already alcohol heavy enough West Newport?

The answer sure seems, until proven otherwise, a two-fold “yes.”

Or, in other words, it just doesn’t sound like a hot idea.
