
Like many of my best pictures,...

Like many of my best pictures, I had very limited time to shoot

this Back Bay shot. In these cases, I don’t have the luxury of taking

my time and waiting for something to happen. I had to hunt for the

shot rather than let it find me.

Using all the available lenses, I tried everything to make the

shot interesting because there was the added pressure that it would

definitely be the cover shot. I had to bring all of my equipment to

prepare for any image that I might see, whether in front of me or far

away. I was ready to run.

To illustrate a would-be boardwalk site in the Back Bay, I

searched through the lens of my lucky 300-millimeter.

Walking the trail, I grew worried as the sun set. Light was

fading. When I saw how the graphic line in the shot above looked, I

knew that was the shot. I just needed people in it.

Lots of people walked up, but not down. I wasn’t satisfied, but

began to leave with what I had. But just as usual when I’m about to

leave, I took one last look and saw the shot about to happen. I

quickly returned to my position and snapped it.

-- Don Leach
