
Planners will Center on Trinity

Lolita Harper

The Planning Commission is going to church.

Planning commissioners will take a field trip to the Trinity

Christian Center on Thursday night to review the effects of proposed

outdoor services and television filming at the center.

The Trinity Christian Center has produced outdoor shows in the

past, using the city’s special event permit and is looking to

continue the open-air performances on a permanent basis. Officials at

the center suggested they hold a trial run so city planners,

commissioners and neighbors can determine any possible drawbacks.

Commissioners reviewed the center’s request last week at their

regular meeting and postponed their decision until they could see for

themselves. During the meeting, residents raised concerns with the

center’s current activities, complaining of noise and traffic.

The Planning Commission voted 4 to 1 to call up Trinity Christian

Center’s existing permit to make sure they are not operating beyond

their limitations. Commissioner Bill Perkins dissented.

Planning Commission Chairwoman Katrina Foley said it was necessary

to research and investigate the complaints to find a resolution.

Perkins disagreed, saying the commission was on a witch hunt and

was unfairly scrutinizing alleged violations. He said he was

frustrated with the decision and couldn’t believe he was the only

commissioner to oppose it.

“We set up a situation to look at all of their conditional-use

permits to see what they are doing wrong and right,” Perkins said.

“If they are then, by golly we are going to go after them. What are

we looking for here, guys?”

The offices at Trinity Christian Center were closed Saturday and

center officials could not be reached.

The center was started by Paul and Jan Crouch in 1973 in Tustin

and grew to its multi-location network, which includes Costa Mesa,

where the international headquarters are. Their religious programming

is seen all across America and the world, according to the center’s

Web site, and is translated into several languages.

* LOLITA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949)

574-4275 or by e-mail at [email protected].
