
Teens will be teens, no matter...

Teens will be teens, no matter who’s in charge

Geoff West’s letter describes his recent encounter at a local

fast-food restaurant with teenagers who were loud and obnoxious

(Mailbag, Friday). West attributes this to “one-sided teaching” by an

education establishment that, according to him, places a “liberal

spin on religion’s impact on history.” Attention: Some kids are rude

no matter who is on the school board.

In his letter, Adam Murray stretches logic to suggest that alleged

misconduct in the state Department of Education means a

union-endorsed school board member will ignore “corruption in the

system” (Mailbag, Saturday). The Newport-Mesa Unified school board

needs to focus on rebuilding our schools’ deteriorating facilities,

equipping and supplying classrooms on the Westside of Costa Mesa just

as well as classrooms in Newport Coast, and reducing class size at

all grade levels so that every student gets adequate attention from

qualified teachers -- in an era when state school funding is rapidly


If the teachers’ union endorses a candidate with this agenda over

an incumbent who tries to ban classic works of literature and impose

a particular religious viewpoint, they’ve endorsed the right person,

and he’s got my vote.


Costa Mesa

Seeing things in a slightly different shade

Re: “Swapping out the swap meets,” Daily Pilot, Monday.

In an otherwise excellent column by Lolita Harper, I found the

following error that mischaracterized what I said to the City Council


Harper wrote: “‘Most of the people who use the [OCC] swap meet are

Latinos from Santa Ana,’ vocal resident Martin Millard told the City


Actually, I told the council: “Recently a woman came before this

Council and complained that some who are against the swap meet are

against it because it is mostly used by Latinos from Santa Ana. She’s

right. The swap meet is mostly used by people from Santa Ana.”

A small thing, maybe, but the shading is different. Also, if

Harper keeps referring to me as “vocal resident Martin Millard,”

people are going to think “vocal resident” is part of my name.


Costa Mesa

Poetry isn’t all about life and leisure

Thanks much for your fine story on Prof. Lee Mallory appearing in

Sunday’s Daily Pilot.

The article about Lee should not have been published directly

below the header “Life and Leisure,” however. Lee has had quite a

life, but little leisure. He remains always available to talk to

fledgling poets, he invites well-known poets to give readings and he

himself works day and night teaching and writing. It’s about time he

received more public recognition of the sort that you so kindly

provided your readers on Sunday.


Costa Mesa
