
* Send AROUND TOWN items to...

* Send AROUND TOWN items to the Huntington Beach Independent,

18682 Beach Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA 92648; fax to

(714) 965-7174; call (714) 965-7176 or e-mail [email protected].

Submissions must be received two weeks before publication. A complete

listing may be found at


The Huntington Beach Host Lions Club will meet at 7 p.m. at

Meadowlark Golf Course Club House, 16782 Graham St. The club’s

purpose is to create and foster a spirit of understanding among all

people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary service through

community involvement and international cooperation. Information:

(714) 964-6212.


The Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Winners’

Circle breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at Seacliff Country Club, 6501 Palm

Ave. Information: (714) 536-8888.

Jewish Women International will hold a luncheon meeting at 11

a.m. The meeting will feature guest speaker Cindy Ferch from the

Groundwater Replenishment System project. The project will involve a

13-mile pipeline in the Santa Ana River. The location will be given

when participants reserve their place. The cost is $7. Information:

Esther (714) 960-4988.
