
Promoting safe use of the Web

Deirdre Newman

While the Internet houses a vast wealth of information, it is also

a haven for pornography and other content not suitable for children.

To help parents monitor their children’s Internet activity, an

Internet Safety Class for Parents will be offered on Tuesday. Newport

Harbor High PTA and the Newport Beach Police Department will sponsor

the class.

The class will discuss how to protect your family’s privacy, ward

off Internet predators and guard against negative chat rooms by using

parental controls and Internet addressing.

“This class is important since many parents don’t know as much as

their children do about the Internet,” said Lisa George, vice

president of programs for the school’s PTA. “Parents whose children

navigate the Information Superhighway need to understand and be able

to teach the rules of the road to their computer-savvy children.”

In addition to discussing risks to children, the class will also

delve into ways kids can instigate trouble online.

“Kids might be the ones who are committing the crimes, whether

it’s downloading illegal software, harassing people themselves, as

well as hacking,” said Andi Querry, crime prevention specialist with

the Police Department. “Kids might do that [hacking], but not realize

the possible harm it could do.”

The class will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Loats Theater at

Newport Harbor High School, 600 Irvine Ave.
