
Making Costa Mesa SPIN

Lolita Harper

Jean Wegener has a lot to be thankful for this year.

She is thankful that Serving People In Need, of which she is the

executive director, has completed 15 years of doing exactly that.

She is thankful that despite the poor economy, Newport-Mesa

residents and businesses have shown tremendous generosity in

underwriting and supporting the charity’s 10th annual dinner and

auction, “Evening of Thanksgiving and Charity.”

And after Saturday, she will be thankful that the gala event will

finally be over.

“This is a very special time for us,” Wegener said. “We have been

working nonstop.”

Wegener, who has suffered from a severe lack of sleep in the last

week, said it is well worth the subsequent delirium, dark circles

under the eyes and frantic scheduling because it caps 15 special

years of helping those who need it the most.

Dinner Chairwoman Karen Nichol, Wegener and a dedicated team of

volunteers have sold more than 250 tickets for the event, raising

$40,500 so far. Wegener said generous families and corporate sponsors

boosted the charity’s coffers this year, which is surprising,

considering the economy.

“The encouragement of having so many great individuals come forth

[with support] is what is really absolutely terrific for us,” Wegener


The dinner and auction is held each year to raise funds for three

major programs: the Guaranteed Apartment Payment Program, the

Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program and the Street Services


SPIN workers have noticed an increase in the poor who have lost

their jobs or can no longer afford the high cost of living -- or

both, Wegener said.

“More and more people are being laid off from jobs and then they

can’t afford to pay their rent or rents are increasing but salaries

aren’t,” Wegener said. “It’s a vicious spiral that keeps going around

and around and around. There are more and more women with children on

the streets. It’s just mind-boggling.”
