
Enforce laws to deal with housing...

Enforce laws to deal

with housing problems

I think what should be done about the substandard housing is we

should enforce the codes that already exist for the city of Costa

Mesa and the laws that exist for the state of California regarding

housing (“Politics at play as planners debate rental housing

program,” Oct. 30). We have the authority and the power to do that. I

have lived in Costa Mesa for 30-plus years, and my husband and I have

been property owners in the city of Costa Mesa for more than 30


The idea of modeling Costa Mesa after Santa Ana is absurd. We

don’t have the same kinds of problems. We don’t want to be like Santa

Ana. I think that the idea of a citywide ordinance certainly

penalizes landlords who are pride-of-ownership landlords and does not

target the slumlords. I’m completely against a citywide ordinance. It

doesn’t address the issues properly.


Costa Mesa

Resurface the roads,

for safety’s sake

The roads on East 17th Street require resurfacing. The safety of

drivers and passengers are at risk when potholes and crevices must be

avoided. This should be attended to.


Costa Mesa

Measurements would help stop complaints

I have read a lot of ridiculous opinions regarding Costa Mesa’s

zoning regulations stating that “additions must suit the character of

the neighborhood,” but Olive M. Maxwell’s takes the cake (Community

Commentary, “Editorial favors the wrong homeowner,” Sept. 5). She

apparently feels you should have children to get permission to add a

story on to your home. She also seems to feel no one has the right to

disturb her view, even though she bought her home 15 years ago on the

non-view side of the street. That being especially true for

“newcomers” on her street.

Good planning and good sense would indicate that Costa Mesa should

change their planning codes immediately so that they refer strictly

to square feet and maximum height allowable in each neighborhood. In

that way, current owners and prospective buyers could quickly compute

what they would be allowed to build on their properties. That might

stop all these complaints every time someone wants to remodel their

Costa Mesa home.

As for Maxwell, if you wanted a view home, you should have bought

one across the street. Now, they probably cost more than homes on

your side, and they did 15 years ago, too.


Costa Mesa
