
Dixon, Monahan for City Council

The Costa Mesa City Council has much work to do.

Improvements to the Westside have been talked about for far too

long with almost no action taken. A skateboard park seems to be on

everyone’s wish list, but no one yet has delivered. There are code

enforcement issues to be handled, road improvements to be made and

looming redevelopment plans to be worked out. And there are bridges

to mend, given that many residents feel put off and disregarded by

the council.

Given all that work, now is not the time suddenly to change

leadership. Mayor Linda Dixon and Councilman Gary Monahan both

deserve another term in office.

Dixon, who has shined in particular when issues related to the

arts have come before the council, needs to bring the same creative

thinking to issues of planning and development during the next four

years. Her commitment to the city is unquestionable, as her long

years of volunteering and hard work on the council attest. She is

someone who has a clear vision of what Costa Mesa should be: a city

with a strong business community that also embraces the eclectic

nature of its residents and communities.

Monahan, of course, for months said he would not run and then

changed his mind. Some may see that as going back on his word. But in

this case it seems more a matter of a resident of Costa Mesa

recognizing a need for leadership in his city and believing himself

the best man for that job. Monahan is right that his focus on

fiscally responsible government that does not overtly intrude on

residents is needed in City Hall. He also is correct that this

council -- which still has two relatively new members in Karen

Robinson and Chris Steel -- needs stability and leadership. His

challenge is to rise and meet those needs. We firmly believe he will

do just that.

The other challenges for both are to bring unity of purpose,

civility of manner and strength of conviction to a council that is

being dogged by the appearance, at least, of indecisiveness and


Dixon and Monahan are not alone as leaders who are set to make a

difference in Costa Mesa.

During her campaign for City Council, Planning Commission

Chairwoman Katrina Foley has focused on Costa Mesa’s future. Foley

brings a committed, intelligent and innovative perspective to City

Hall, and residents are fortunate that she is in a position to make

changes and help direct the course of the city.

The timing, however, is not quite right. But two years into the

city’s future, when Councilwoman Libby Cowan leaves office due to

term limits, Foley will be a strong choice to fill the seat.
