
Seeing through attempt to promote candidates...

Seeing through attempt to promote candidates

I certainly hope Daily Pilot readers were not fooled by letter

writer Billy Folsom’s thinly veiled attempt to promote his desired

candidates for Costa Mesa City Council (“Election choices are easy,

now just make them,” Sept. 5).

I do not know Linda Dixon or Katrina Foley well enough to know if

their politics match up with Hilary Clinton, nor if Gary Monahan and

Bill Perkins are comparable to Colin Powell, but I do know Allan

Mansoor, and Folsom’s attempt to compare him to Buchanan is


Could Folsom be friends with members of the Human Relations

Committee? You know, the group that promoted the “Orange County Dyke

March” parade through Costa Mesa streets and suggested the city pay

for it by waiving their fees. That group is so ultra-liberal that

even a relative moderate like Mansoor looked like an extremist.


Costa Mesa

John Wayne is the issue facing Newport

The most important issue facing Newport Beach is the expansion of

the John Wayne Airport and having a city council that listens to the



Newport Beach

Just how old is that 103 photo, anyway?

A final word before the Daily Pilot’s top 103 list is put to bed

for the year. How about a new rule next year. You can only be so

honored if you are willing to submit a not-less-than 2-year-old photo

of yourself. Mercy! Some of those photos must be 15 years old. I’ll

be a good boy and not mention any names. Yes, I’m just teasing, but a

photo should say, “This is what I look like,” not “This is what I

once looked like.”


Costa Mesa

El Toro solution to traffic over Costa Mesa

Even the intellectual William Kearns did not mention the exact

cause and correction of Long Beach-bound flights over Costa Mesa in

his article “Solutions for air needs and noise exist, but at El

Toro,” Oct. 6.

The Long Beach flights are using the El Toro airspace normally

reserved for take-offs on the 10,000-foot runway. When the planned El

Toro International Airport is opened, the over-flights will stop,

since planes can’t use the same space for ascending and descending.

This was carefully spelled out to the Costa Mesa City Council in a

study session when Councilman Chris Steele asked if opening El Toro

would solve the problem. Even one of the three anti-El Toro women on

the council asked if maybe the FAA could institute paths that would

exist if El Toro were open, even while it is closed. The answer, of

course, was no. The Long Beach runway is there, the airspace will be

used, and there is nothing that can be done about it. Only reopening

El Toro will solve the problem.


Newport Beach

Dunes should bring back fireworks

Please ask the new Dunes owners to reestablish the Fourth of July

tradition of having a fireworks display.

In this time of scattered values and people losing their

direction, a little tradition goes a long way.


Newport Beach
