
Greenlight will not put forth best...

Greenlight will not put forth best City Council candidates

The recent letter to the editor from Martin and Mildred Litke

included a statement or two that baffle me (“Greenlight represents

what the council does not -- the voters,” Aug. 13). They correctly

point out that our city is not just a harbor, but streets and

communities that need to be considered in decisions affecting our

quality of life. They tell us that the way to insure this is to

support the slate of candidates Greenlight has come up with.

What I find baffling is that we already had a fabulous announced

candidate in District 3 in Don Webb, the retired city’s public works

director, before Greenlight announced its slate.

I have known Don Webb for more than 30 years, not through any

city-related issues but rather activities like sailing, Indian

Guides, soccer, camping trips, bike rides and other social events.

Over those 30-plus years, I have always found Don Webb to be

fair-minded, environmentally sensitive, opinionated but with a

willingness to listen and very honest. When Don was responsible for

developing the bicycle trails in the city, he personally, on his own

time and not at city expense, rode his bike on every single street in

Newport Beach. A few years ago, he embarked on a goal of walking

every single street in the city; that’s why they call him “Walking


If we already had a fair-minded and environmentally sensitive

candidate, why did Greenlight feel it necessary to include their own

candidate on their slate?

I can only think of one reason; they don’t want someone who is

fair-minded and will look at all sides of an issue. They must prefer

someone who will only look at one side of an issue and always vote in

a predictable manner. I don’t think that is what we really want in a

society of representative government. We need elected officials who

will fairly represent the interests of all our citizens.


Newport Beach

Pilot’s Last Word editorial was written in ignorance

When Jesus said, “Woe unto you fools and hypocrites, you do not

discern the sign of the times,” He surely referred to the likes of

the Daily Pilot editor who is too chicken to sign his name (The Last

Word, “Oh, the irony of it all,” Sunday).

It is truth that sets people free. It is truth that prepares

people for coming disasters.

His ignorance is very evident as he appears to think the

government and the employees are separate entities. He reminds me of

the man who joined the Lions Club thinking he would become a lion.

I find it very interesting the editor uses his protection under

the freedom of speech amendment to libel the Piecemakers who serve

God and the community, but somehow he thinks “we the people” who pay

the government employees’ salary have no rights under the freedom of

speech amendment.

As God shakes America and we become destitute of God’s blessings,

I pray we have editors who will carry the truth to a sick and dying

nation. People who hate the truth should not be editors of any

newspaper. By the way, Mr. Editor, God always has the last word. Only

an ignorant imbecile would think otherwise.


Costa Mesa

EDITOR’S NOTE: Editorials are unsigned because they are the

collaborative effort of the editors. Marie Kolasinski is a member of

the Piecemakers.
