
Inside Scoop

It’s not easy being the sweetheart of City Hall, especially when

you’re known for your sweet tooth.

Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff was the object of some affectionate

ribbing at Tuesday’s City Council meeting after an incident with some


A department head was unavailable to deliver a staff report to council

members, so Boy Wonder Kiff bolted in from the Council Chambers’ War Room

-- a place known to harbor snacks, coffee and staff members dodging the

limelight of the main council chambers. The fact that Kiff was stepping

up to the plate as a pinch hitter was immediately obscured by the fact

that he was chewing.

“There must be some brownies left back there,” one council member

mused -- a reference to Kiff’s legendary love of sweets.

“Not any more,” said another.

Always the dignified professional, Kiff nonetheless delivered a staff

report on private moorings without skipping a beat, concluding, as

always, with, “Any questions?”

Councilman Dennis O’Neil seized the opportunity by seizing his

microphone: “Yeah. Got milk?”
