

-- Interviews and photos compiled by Christine Carrillo

The Daily Pilot went to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport

Beach to ask sixth-graders, “What is your greatest hope for the future?”

“World peace because then there wouldn’t be any violence in the world

and people would be treated fairly. I want to be president one day and

that would be my first goal.”

ANDREW MASON, 12, Corona del Mar

“I want peace to come between us and Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine

so the military people can come home to their families.”

KIMMY VONDERAHE, 12, Newport Beach

“For religions to respect other religions for what they believe in.”

MICHAEL PAGE, 12, Newport Beach

“That all the people in the poorest countries get out of poverty so

they don’t have to live in the street and so they have food to eat . . .

and for parents to have places to work so they can afford to buy things

for their family to live.”

CLAIRE SCHLOEMER, 12, Newport Beach

“That the people in the Middle East settle this war in peace instead

of violence, like with a treaty, so the kids can have as good an

education as I have.”

MORGAN PRESSON, 12, Newport Coast
