
Surf and Sun


The sun will not abandon us quite yet and will continue to shine

today, producing the highest readings of this short month with a

73-degree high this afternoon. Overnight lows will dip into the mid-40s.

It will continue to be sunny throughout the week, though the highs

will dip back into the high 60s. Enjoy today while it’s here.

Information:o7 www.nws.noaa.govf7 .


Local northerly winds will blow 15 to 20 knots this morning. In the

inner waters, the westerly winds will blow 10 to 15 knots, with 2-foot

waves and a west swell of 4 feet this afternoon. Not much will change


Out farther, the northerly winds will blow 10 to 15 knots with 2-foot

waves and a northwest swell of 7 feet. Later, the swell will build to 8



Yet another day of bad waves. Most are falling flat in the ankle- to

knee-high range today. Expect a few waist-highs, but for the most part

the latter half of Wednesday and most of Thursday are looking to be the

week’s best surf times.

Another northwest swell will begin building waves Wednesday afternoon

and will continue to stick around until about late Saturday. Conditions

should be well worth checking out Thursday and Friday.

Water quality:o7 www.surfrider.orgf7 .


Time Height

3:38 a.m. 5.10 feet high

11:13 a.m. 0.43 feet low

5:44 p.m. 2.95 feet high

9:54 p.m. 2.25 feet low


In the mid-50s
