
Police key in on red-light runners

Deepa Bharath

COSTA MESA -- In a move to catch more violators, the Costa Mesa Police

Department has installed red-light indicators at a problem intersection,

city officials said Friday.

The equipment -- which has been running for the last two weeks on a

trial basis at Harbor Boulevard and Adams Street -- consists of

inconspicuous boxes placed behind the traffic signal, said Costa Mesa

Police Sgt. Martin Carver.

The indicator light turns red at the same time the signal does, making

it possible for officers to watch the signal change from behind.

“In the past, they had to wait in the same direction as the motorist,”

Carver said. “That was neither safe nor effective. This is just better


Earlier this year, Newport Beach police also installed red-light

indicators at a couple of intersections.

The indicators cost about $70 a piece, and eight are installed in each

intersection. Costa Mesa’s equipment, so far, has been entirely funded by

the city’s traffic engineering department, Carver said.

The city plans to install the indicators at other “problem

intersections” in the city -- Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street, and

Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard.

Carver said the indicators have been effective in the last two weeks.

“The other day, an officer said he wrote 10 tickets in a day,” he


That would not have been possible if not for the new equipment, Carver

