
Letter to the Editor

I read with great interest the Daily Pilot article dated Oct. 31

regarding Noeline Frederiksen’s plight with her parking citation for

parking at a blue meter and subsequent fine of $36.

According to the article, finally, City Manager Homer Bludau took it

upon himself to get involved, admitting “She was right and we were

wrong,” adding that the city would send Frederiksen a letter of apology,

rescinding the fine.

While I applaud Bludau’s efforts in this matter, I thought he stopped

short of compensating Frederiksen for all the time she had to spend

pursuing her innocence in this matter.

Rescinding a fine that should not have been levied in the first place

is no compensation. Then, it took her from Aug. 15 until the end of

October to get Bludau’s attention, even losing time from work to pursue

her innocence.

It seems to me, the city should have offered her (and her husband)

annual passes at no charge to compensate her for an injustice done.

After all, she and her husband are merchants who collect sales tax (a

portion of) which ends up in the city coffers to pay the salaries of the

very folks who unjustly fined her.

What do you think?


Newport Beach
