
Letter of the week

I said goodbye to a friend today, not a close friend but a good


John Zubieta passed away last week. We were separated by a generation,

but many of his close friends are mine also. I’ve always thought that a

man’s friends are a reflection of him. If that is truly a measure of a

man, John was one of the best.

John was a hard working, generous man. He always sponsored our

softball and over-the-line teams and treated his employees extremely

well. John was not perfect, none of us are, and those who are close to it

usually aren’t much fun to be around. John was always fun to be around,

he always had a smile when I saw him and I genuinely enjoyed being around

him. He liked to crack wise, liked a practical joke and loved to laugh,

qualities I admire in a person.

John was a good friend and a good man, a man whose time with us was

cut far too short. All of us who knew him will miss him greatly.


Costa Mesa
