
AYSO Region 120: Red Hot Chili Peppers win, tie

The Red Hot Chili Peppers, an AYSO Region 120 Division 5 girls

soccer team, defeated the Pumpkin Power, 5-1, and tied the WildCats, 2-2.

In the win over Pumpkin Power, Olivia Clark scored three goals, while

Cori Chapin and Amanda Watson added single tallies.

Kelly Ryan had two assists, while Maricruz Crooks, Kristina Roche and

Brittany Kane played well defensively.

In the tie against the WildCats, Cori Chapin and Patricia Figueroa

anchored the Chili Peppers’ defense, while Ashley Rendon scored both


In girls under 6 action:

The Power Pink Girls, in their game with the Darlings, were led

offensively by Nikki Khorram and defensively by Aryanna St. Pierre and

Gabrielle Secaira.
