
POLICE FILES - Sept. 28, 2000


* Amberwood Circle: An abandoned vehicle was found in the 10000 block

at 5:21 p.m. Sept. 21.

* Brookhurst Street: Police were called in response to a grand theft

report that allegedly occurred in the 18000 block at 2:44 p.m. Sept. 21.

* Daffodil Avenue: A forgery was reported in the 9000 block at 9:41

a.m. Saturday.

* Edinger Avenue: A disturbance of the peace was reported in the 11000

block at 1:31 a.m. Sunday.

* El Colorado Avenue: Police responded to reports of a loud party in

the 9000 block at 10:54 p.m. Saturday.

* El Sol Avenue: Loud music was reported in the 9000 block at 9:41

p.m. Saturday.

* Gloxina Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 11000 block

at 8:26 a.m. Sept 20.* Hyde Court: An abandoned vehicle was discovered in

the 15000 block at 10:51 a.m. Monday.

* La Alameda Avenue: Police responded to a report of graffitiin the

9000 block at 3:40 p.m. Sept. 21.

* Mt. Eden Circle: An adult was reported missing from the 16000 block

at 11:06 p.m. Sept. 20.* Pike Avenue: A vehicle repossession occurred in

the 10000 block at 8:10 a.m. Sept. 20.* Redwood Circle: Police were

called in response to a non-injury accident in the 16000 block at 10:09

a.m. Sept. 21.* Slater Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the

10000 block at 8:07 a.m. Sept. 21.* Willow Circle: Vandalism was reported

in the 16000 block at 7:37 a.m. Saturday.


* Beach Boulevard: A person was reported to be committing lewd acts at

a business in the 18000 block at 4:57 p.m. Saturday.

* Brookhurst Street: A bus with derogative sayings and black swastikas

spray-painted on it was reported in the 22000 block at 9:35 a.m. Friday.

* Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue: A resident told police that a

swarm of bees was buzzing near the intersection at 3:34 p.m. Sunday.

* Chicago Avenue: A resident reported a grand theft of about $2,000

worth of clothing and Christmas items from a home in the 200 block at

4:36 p.m. Sept. 20.

* Edinger Avenue: Two juveniles reportedly stole eight bottles of hard

liquor and fled in a blue Ford Mustang from an establishment in the 5000

block at 7:59 p.m. Saturday.

* Faust Circle: A resident told police that an undisclosed number of

juveniles were throwing an explosive device in the 8000 block at 4:22

p.m. Sept. 21.

* Freeport Drive: A prowler was reported walking with a flashlight

outside a home in the 21000 block at 1:49 a.m. Sept. 18.

* Garfield Avenue: The pink slip and keys to a new car, the keys to a

second vehicle and three wetsuits were reported stolen from a home in the

7000 block at 6:27 p.m. Sept. 19. The residents said the thief also put

soap in an aquarium.

* Gothard Street: A resident reported a burglary at a sports complex

in the 1600 block at 7:46 p.m. Sunday.

* Gothard Street: Someone reportedly broke into a storage unit and

stole about $3,000 in property from a home in the 16000 block at 1:41

p.m. Sept 21.

* Jana Circle: Someone reported a disturbance of the peace, in which

about 12 people were blaring music and talking loudly in the 600 block at

10:35 p.m. Saturday.

* Kukui Drive: Someone told police that two people were driving

recklessly, speeding up and down the street on motorcycles, in the 12000

block at 4:23 p.m. Sept 18.

* Lomas Lane: Police responded to a report of shots fired in the 19000

block at 1:40 a.m. Sunday.

* Newland Street: A resident reported a mysterious Styrofoam package

sitting overnight at the front door of her house in the 18000 block at

9:03 a.m. Saturday.

* Warner Avenue: Police responded to a family disturbance in the 6000

block at 9:46 p.m. Sept 19.

* 9th Street: Police received an indecent exposure report of a naked

man masturbating in a dark blue Ford Taurus in the 100 block at 7:55 a.m.

Sept. 20.
