
Reds win two, advance in playoffs

The Reds, a local baseball team comprised of players from Fountain

Valley and Huntington Beach, won two games this week in the double

elimination Bronco Division playoffs hosted by Fountain Valley Youth

Baseball at Mile Square Park.

The Reds defeated the Cardinals, 9-4, on Tuesday, then came back on

Wednesday to handle the Astros, 4-1. The two victories left the Reds as

the only unbeaten team in the winner’s bracket.

In beating the Cardinals, Justin DeMarco and Jeff Roth both doubled, and

Jeff Hann hit a home run to pace the Reds on offense, while pitchers

Roth, Hann, and Brandon Lawson combined to strike out 12 Cardinals.

The Cardinals’ Giovanni Rodriguez doubled and also pitched a solid game.

Roth and Hann again teamed on the mound Wednesday to beat the Astros,

striking out 10 in the process. Roth also had a big hand in the Reds’

offensive attack with two singles, and Jason Croswell doubled.

The Astros scored their lone run when Ryan Shiroishi scored on a single

by Sam Bridges.

The Bronco Division Tournament continues today at Mile Square Park.
