
Hall honored with memorial case

Josh Hall, a former member of the Huntington Beach High surf team

who drowned in September of 1997, will have a perpetual scholarship name

plaque and memorial case resurrected in the foyer of Huntington Beach

High, Oiler surf coach Andy Verdone revealed Friday.

The popular Huntington Beach student/athlete’s death stunned the Oiler

Family, and a scholarship in Hall’s honor was immediately established.

This year’s scholarship winner, the third overall, will be announced

during ceremonies Monday at the school.

“This is something that has become very important to the school and in a

way, the healing process is continuing,” Verdone said. “Josh’s death was

felt by everyone, and the annual scholarship is a fine way to memorialize


The Joshua Dean Hall Memorial Scholarship has been made possible by

monies donated through the Orange County Community Foundation for annual

scholarships to be awarded to Huntington Beach High surf team members.

Each year, team members submit an application, a letter of

recommendation, and an essay to the Foundation, where a committee of

advisors from the community and Foundation staff review the letters and

select three students who are each awarded $500 at the school’s annual

Distinguished Oilers Ceremony in June.

Emphasis is placed on students who demonstrate good sportsmanship and

behavior in the water, at school, in the community, and plan to enroll

full time at a college, university, or vocational training program.

The Foundation, Verdone says, welcomes donations and fund raising ideas,

for the Hall Scholarship.

“These kids know what an honor it is to receive this recognition,”

Verdone said. “Josh was a friendly, warm 16-year-old, who spent almost

every day in the water, practicing to become a first-rate surfer.”

Hall drowned in the waters near the Huntington Beach Pier the first day

of his junior year in the fall of 1997. Two of his closet friends, Jeff

Ingram and Ian Dodge, 1998/99 scholarship recipients, began a senior

class project this school year that will become a permanent fixture in

the foyer of Huntington Beach High.

Beginning at 11 a.m. Monday, a ceremony will be held at the front office

of the administration building to commemorate the unveiling of a memorial

case that will house a plaque engraved with the names of the annual

scholarship winners, as well as a photo of Hall.

The enclosed wall case was donated by Aaron Pai of Huntington Surf &


David Nuuhiwa will open the ceremony with a traditional Hawaiian blessing

at 11 a.m. Those scheduled to attend include Hall’s grandparents, Don and

Phyllis Hall, Huntington Beach High Principal Dr. Frank Berry, the Oiler

surf team, Verdone, as well as past and present scholarship recipients.

Refreshments will be provided by Duke’s Restaurant of Huntington Beach.

“It should be an emotionally-charged day, but in a good way,” Verdone

added. “Josh is still very fresh in the minds of a lot of people, and

this plaque and memorial case will keep his spirit alive.”
