
Mailbag - Dec. 9, 1999

I think an airport at El Toro will impact Huntington Beach in a positive

way (“Airport debate lands in Surf City,” Nov. 4.)

John Wayne Airport cannot handle the needs of our growing city and

county. Flights in and out of John Wayne are greatly restricted. Due to

these restrictions, our family seldom uses John Wayne because we cannot

get flights at reasonable rates with any flexibility on times.

I believe that ignoring the opportunity of having another commercial

airport in Orange County by converting one that already exists would be a

tragedy and is not in the best interest of the majority of the people

living here.


Huntington Beach

As a community, we must move beyond the idea of whether El Toro will

impact Huntington Beach. The real issue is that it will negatively impact

thousands of people, our South County neighbors.

If we concern ourselves only with issues that impact “me,” then we soon

become bankrupt as a society. Isn’t it time we all begin looking at the

greater good for our entire community?

There is no doubt that the airport will be an environmental disaster for

South County, and that looks like a disaster for all of us.


Huntington Beach


Ron Davis’ suggestion that HBTV-3 be used as a medium to bring the topic

of the Crest View fiasco to the public has merit. One cannot disagree if

both sides of the issue are expounded upon by proponents in a moderated



Huntington Beach

I watched a few of the city’s shows on HBTV-3 when I first moved here

three and a half years ago. It did not take long, about a month, for me

to realize what was going on. I do, however, watch or attend all Planning

Commission hearings and the dog and pony show that is called the council

meeting. I would like to see more discussion on the $10,000-and-rising

city employees’ party and the appropriation of money for musical

instruments, since the council is always crying about the city’s

financial problems.

I think it would be great to have programs discussing both sides of the

issue. Of course, if that ever went through, the first five council

members to the right of Tom Harmon at the council table would come up

with some reason why it would not work.


Huntington Beach


The Beach Boulevard of the future? I think it’s just disgusting that the

city would spend all this money on cosmetics when we’re living in filth.

We have stagnant water. We have trees that are pulling up our gutters and

sidewalks and streets. They won’t even help us, but they want to do

cosmetics on Beach Boulevard? I think it’s disgusting, and I think the

city is very irresponsible to even do that.


Huntington Beach


Bureaucrats and politicians just don’t get it and perhaps never will.

We care about kids, deeply, but the real issue is about how public funds

are managed. The district spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the

campaign and was prepared to celebrate at a victory party with flowing

champagne. Those district folks and paid consultants sure know how to

demonstrate “caring about the kids,” but I wish they wouldn’t do it with

the kids’ money.

The consultants and district personnel who participated in the campaign

strategy did not present the issue to clearly demonstrate the need and

justification for approving the bond. For example, enlighten us on the


* The schools did not fall apart overnight. In what ways have the budget

and planning process over the past five to 10 years addressed the need

for ongoing maintenance and repairs? If not addressed, why not?

* Is there a meaningful budget review and evaluation process in place?

When there is a budget shortfall, does the ax fall in order of priorities

based on what is in the best interests of students? What portion of the

budget is allocated to the classroom? Or put another way, do expenditures

for administrative and management salaries and operations pass the smell


If the district intends to try again, and the odds are pretty strong that

they will, then take a line from Sgt. Joe Friday of the old “Dragnet” TV

program and give us “just the facts, ma’am.”BARKLEY YARBOROUGH

Huntington Beach
