
Pre-kindergarten classes to begin again

Andrew Wainer

The Huntington Beach City School district announced this week they will

restart a pre-kindergarten program, beginning January 2000.

The program, which has been offered to the district’s parents and their

children for about 20 years, was dropped last year because of classroom

space restrictions.

District Supt. Duane Dishno said the pre-kindergarten program, operated

at the district’s Smith and Kettler schools, will provide a hands-on

environment and learn-by-doing activities that will prepare children for

their entrance into kindergarten.

The curriculum and activities are designed for children who were born

after the Dec. 2 deadline to enroll in kindergarten in September, and who

are too old for preschool. According to state law, a child must be 5

years old on or before Dec. 2 to enroll in kindergarten.

The pre-kindergarten program was created in response to parents’ concern

for children who are not eligible to enroll in kindergarten because of

their birth dates.

The program, which begins Jan. 31, also aims to develop children’s

self-esteem and positive feelings toward learning, and will give students

a solid foundation in thinking skills fundamental to the academic milieu.

“This is a very popular program in our community,” Dishno said. “It gives

parents more flexibility in choosing a program for their child.”

The one-semester program is financially self-supporting through

enrollment fees and attendance-based funds from the state.

The district will run two classes supporting up to 20 students each.

The program will be held at Kettler School, 8750 Dorsett Drive and Smith

School, 770 17th St. Classes at Kettler will run from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

At Smith they will run from 8:35 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. Lunch will be

available for $1.75 per day.

Registration materials will be available from neighborhood elementary

schools beginning Nov. 1, 1999. Applications will be accepted by the

district through Nov. 17.
