
Readers Respond

The Huntington Beach Gun Range that was closed in 1997 was originally

built by the public, for public recreational use. The land it was sited

on, in Central Park, is deeded for public, recreational use. Fairness

dictates that it be replaced by a range that’s open to the public. Public

use of the target range is a great revenue potential. I think this

potential is being ignored for political, rather than practical, reasons.


Huntington Beach

What is meant by “limiting the public’s use of the range”? Is that by

limited hours, access, number of occupants, parking, etc.? If a new range

is to be built in the area, I would very much like to patronize it as I

have relatives who live close by who also shoot. How and why would the

City limit the range’s use as that would have an impact on their taxes

and revenues? Is this another example of government dictating to us what

is improper, illegal and so forth, but then deriving income from it? Get

it built!


Los Angeles

The city should NOT limit the public’s use of the proposed gun range. It

should be open every day to the public with an adjacent range for police

usage. In fact, the old range could be upgraded at a fraction of the cost

for a new one.


Huntington Beach

I understand there is a proposal to limit public access to a gun range in

Huntington Beach. Very bad idea. Safe, controlled environments for

shooting sports are needed as the alternative is people shooting in areas

where controls are not in place, thus exposing people to more risk. It

seems gun control advocates are always willing to do whatever they can to

harass or limit the gun-owning public at the expense of common sense and

safety. Gun control schemes are never exercises in common sense nor

safety and in fact ignore most evidence or produce false evidence to the



Huntington Beach

The old range in Huntington Beach was used by more than just police

officers. Many citizens used this as a training range and for enjoyment.

I for one as a member of the Huntington Beach Elks Lodge, use to train

members, wives and children of Elks in proper gun handling techniques.

That range was a valuable source of education in gun handling and

pleasure. We also have an indoor range close by the Elks lodge called

“The Firing Line.” The old police range provided an area where we could

use “black powder” muzzle-loading firearms. These muzzle loaders are an

interesting and fun hobby. We were quite concerned when the old range was

closed. But the city council promised a new and better range. Mr Tom

Harman of the city council is very misinformed about no one wanting a

local gun range. Please inform Mr. Tom Harman that we will remember

these misstatement when he is up for reelection in future years. Council

members are supposed to be aware of what we constituents want and need in

our community. Perhaps someone will run who has a better understanding of

community needs. They will surely get my family’s votes and any others

that I can talk to.


Huntington Beach
