
SRO coming back to schools

The city of Costa Mesa announced Friday the rehiring of recently retired School Resource Officer Jess Gilman to work at Estancia and Costa Mesa high schools.

Gilman will make $33 an hour as a part-time reserve officer at the schools. It remains unclear exactly how many hours Gilman will work.

His rehiring comes in the wake of the December school shooting in Newtown, Conn., and is part of the city’s effort to protect students, according to a news release from the city.


Other measures being taken to increase school security include a review of school security practices and security personnel options, drills in preparation for emergency situations and daily police patrols of schools, the city said.

Additional school resource officers may be hired and be on campuses by spring, police Chief Tom Gazsi said.

The city also anticipates hiring four police officers by mid-January.

Gilman will work as a fully sworn officer, who can make an arrest and is armed.

“I’m going to do as much as I can because I want to fill the gap,” Gilman said. “I love the city of Costa Mesa. I love the community.”

— Lauren Williams and Jeremiah Dobruck

Twitter: @TheDailyPilot
