
Jogging for a cause

Last Friday was the day of jog-a-thons with both elementary schools jogging to raise money for educational programs.

El Morro Elementary School students ran more than 14,000 laps at its annual jog-a-thon. The school received an anonymous pledge of $5,000 if they met that number, and 600 students (kindergarten through fifth grade) met the challenge, jog-a-thon committee member Ann Henry wrote in an email. The event is the PTA’s largest annual fundraiser.

Sponsors may contribute a flat amount or pledge an amount for each lap a student runs, Henry said. Students will collect pledges in hopes of raising $60,000 for the school. Funds raised will support programs such as Colonial Days, Science on the Go and Art Masters, and pay for technology-related items for classrooms.


Students will receive an ice cream party if they reach the $60,000 goal. Pledges can be made online at

Meanwhile, Top of the World Elementary School students also jogged with the goal of raising $50,000 to support TOW PTA programs such as Art Masters and after-school programs.

Pledges are still being collected and the final amount raised won’t be ready for a few weeks, said Michelle Struss, TOW Jog-A-Thon chairwoman.

To sponsor a student or make a donation, go to

— Bryce Alderton and Alisha Gomez

Twitter: @aldertonbryce
