
Laguna Beach considers climate change resolution

Cars drive past Main Beach Park in Laguna Beach.
The Laguna Beach City Council by a 4-1 vote on May 24, directed city staff to prepare an agenda report and bring a climate change resolution back to the panel with a recommendation for action.
(Raul Roa)

Laguna Beach is considering a climate change resolution that would set goals for how the city can further contribute to environmental sustainability.

Councilman George Weiss proposed the resolution to his City Council colleagues. At their May 24 meeting, the panel, by a 4-1 vote, directed city staff to prepare a report and bring the resolution back to council with a recommendation for action. It is expected to return to the council this summer.

Weiss’ proposed resolution would call for the creation of a “Climate Change Actions” page on the city website, which would inform online visitors of Laguna Beach’s climate action plan, including mitigation measures and target dates to meet climate-related goals.


It would also compel the city to set forth achievable targets for municipal and community carbon reduction, subject to periodic evaluation. The council would also receive an annual report assessing progress made toward the fulfillment of the climate action plan.

Laguna Beach has already started down the road toward implementing some of the items mentioned in the proposed resolution, including the desire to move the municipal vehicle fleet off fossil fuels. A target date of 2045 for the installation of charging stations aims to help support such a transition.

“There’s some consciousness of [environmental conservation], but I have to say, after 12 years, we haven’t had a single city initiative to put solar anywhere on city property,” Weiss said in a phone interview Thursday. “… We’re not in front of this ... We save the canyon, we save the ocean, but in terms of moving toward lower carbon footprint, not so much.”

Weiss added that Mayor Pro Tem Bob Whalen worked with him on the proposed resolution.

Hoiyin Ip, an environmental activist, said during the City Council meeting she felt the resolution Weiss proposed addressed the matter of clean energy, but she urged the council to do more with respect to waste reduction. She also implored the community to drive less, expressing the viewpoint that switching to electric vehicles alone would not save the environment.

“I think this is more [of an] energy resolution, which is perfectly fine, but for a climate change resolution, I’m going to suggest adding at least one line: ‘The city of Laguna Beach will set goals to achieve zero waste — starting with reduce, reuse and recover edible food — in alignment with [state Senate Bill] 1383 and the statewide microplastics strategy.”

Other efforts Laguna Beach has made to aid in environmental sustainability include a ban on single-use plastics.

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