
From the delegates: How would it be different with a woman in the White House?

Montserrat Garibay, 36, vice president of the local teachers union in Austin, Texas

Montserrat Garibay (Colleen Shalby / Los Angeles Times)

"It's going to change the way girls see themselves. We always ask our students to be inspired and be anything that they want to be. I don't have any children, but these past couple of months, I've really considered having a child so they can see the beautiful statement that we’re doing as a country. That we respect women, and that they can change the world."

Meriam Reynosa, 33, district representative for California state Sen. Bob Wieckowski

Meriam Reynosa (Sarah D. Wire / Los Angeles Times)

"Everything. Maybe style, how she handles her staff, how her character will develop. So what, she's a woman? How is she different than anyone else? She's a strong person who happens to be a woman and she's going to be representing all of us anyway."

Chris Bell, 45, state representative from Jackson, Miss.

Chris Bell (Chris Megerian / Los Angeles Times)

"It would be beneficial to have a woman's wisdom and knowledge. We have all been nurtured by our mothers. Hillary would bring that to the United States."

Claudia Casavecchia, 53, a veterinarian from Philadelphia

Claudia Casavecchia (Colleen Shalby / Los Angeles Times)

"It's just going to be a historic event. Man or woman, it doesn't really make a difference…. As long as whoever takes over the White House listens a little bit more, and we try to recognize that it's our country, we should be healthy."


Matt Clifford, 43, pharmaceutical employee from Philadelphia

Matt Clifford (Chris Megerian / Los Angeles Times)

"It's about time that a woman is president…. A woman shows a little bit more empathy than a man."

Idris Lajide, clinician from New Brunswick, N.J., nondelegate attendee

Idris Lajide (Colleen Shalby / Los Angeles Times)

"I think it'll be a great thing. Women leading in office is absolutely a welcome change…. Personally I have daughters, so it would let them know that if they put their mind to it, there is no limit to what they can achieve."

Marilyn Mordes, 61, a nurse from Martin County, Fla.

Marilyn Mordes (Sarah D. Wire / Los Angeles Times)

"Hillary is going to have a practical, hands-on touch. No frills. She's going to get to the meat of things while being professional and flared with a sense of humor."
