
The Times podcast: Tijuana sí!

A road along a river
The Tijuana River and Rio Tecate join to form a single channel heading toward the U.S./Mexico Border.
(Alejandro Tamayo / San Diego Union-Tribune)

In Chapter 3 of “Border City,” a podcast from the San Diego Union-Tribune and L.A. Times, Sandra Dibble continues her story about living and working as a journalist in Tijuana. It’s both sides of Tijuana that eventually make Sandra feel like she’s not just passing through anymore, but like she’s finally found her place and purpose.

From drug cartels, a kidnapping and an attempted murder of a journalist, to building real friendships, a surprise birthday party, tennis lessons, aerobics and intimate concerts in Tijuas, Sandra’s real-life experiences bring the border town’s sharp contrasts into focus — the bitter and the sweet.

Host: Sandra Dibble

More reading:

Jesus Blancornelas, 70; writer exposed actions of drug cartels


Here’s something you didn’t know about Tijuana: It’s a great weekend escape for food lovers

From the Archives: Amid all the bustle, Tijuana has classic lilts

About The Times

“The Times” is made by columnist Gustavo Arellano, senior producers Denise Guerra, Shannon Lin and Kasia Broussalian and producers David Toledo, Ashlea Brown and Angel Carreras. Our engineer is Mario Diaz. Our editor is Kinsee Morlan. Our executive producers are Jazmín Aguilera and Shani O. Hilton. Our theme song was composed by Andrew Eapen.