
Letters to the Editor: Tell your housekeepers to stay home, but pay them anyway

Sonia Esperanza Valencia, left, and Dora Mayen, who work as housekeepers, meet for morning coffee together at a cafe near UCLA before heading out to work homes on March 13.
(Patrick T. Fallon / for The Times)

To the editor: People who have cleaners come to their homes might consider canceling the service, figuring this will make sure that people traveling from one home to another do not inadvertently spread the coronavirus. But since these workers are often paid around minimum wage, I’d like to suggest that they be paid their regular wage, even if they do not come to your home and clean.

I would venture that the vast majority of households that employ a weekly cleaning person can well afford to pay for one or two visits and ask the worker to stay home and be safe.

Hopefully in the next few weeks this situation will have begun to abate. In the meantime, please consider all of these people who make your life easier, who may now be living with little or no income, and pay them as you always do, whether they work or not. It’s the right thing to do.


Now, how do I change the bag on this vacuum, and where is the Windex?

Judy Reinsma, Santa Clarita


To the editor: I recently sent our cleaning lady a text message in which I informed her that, as I am over 70 years of age, my wife and I would be self-isolating for the foreseeable future and that her services would not be required until the situation became less dangerous.

In the next sentence I told her that we would continue to pay her until that time.

We can afford it. She and her family would suffer without it. It’s the right thing to do.

Bob Merrilees, Camarillo
