
More than 260 Black-owned businesses in and around L.A.

Liz Polk, left, Jerry Lorenzo, Keya Nkonoki and Logan Williams are owners in fitness, fashion, yoga and nursery businesses.
Liz Polk, left, Jerry Lorenzo, Keya Nkonoki and Logan Williams are owners in fitness, fashion, yoga and nursery businesses.
(Los Angeles Times illustration)

“What can I do to help, right now?” It’s a question many have asked after the death of George Floyd focused the nation’s attention on police killings, entrenched racism and discrimination.

One answer? Support Black-owned businesses.

“Part of what helps is when you genuinely value Black people for who they are and what they do,” Logan Williams told us. “Spend a couple bucks at Black businesses and tell your friends about them.” (He and his father, Jimmy Williams, run Logan’s Gardens, and are believed to be the only Black-owned nursery business in Southern California.)

Readers have asked us for assistance to do just that, so we are compiling a resource guide to assist those who want to support the Los Angeles area’s many Black-owned brands and businesses.

So far, our evolving list includes 260 restaurants, fashion- and design-related businesses, fitness studios and coffee shops. If you know of a business that should be on this list, email us at [email protected].

Some of the businesses listed in the stories below have kept their bricks-and-mortar doors open, others have temporarily shuttered their locations because of the coronavirus pandemic’s restrictions and are relying on online sales.

All have three things in common: They’re Black-owned, based in the Greater Los Angeles area and open for business.

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