
Comic: DACA recipients face an uncertain future amid election year

Illustration of hands reaching up to a ID card
(Julio Salgado / For De Los)

As the current administration continues to make contradictory immigration announcements, the future of the DACA program continues to be unknown.

Every two years a group of immigrants must prove to the government that we are indeed good immigrants.
We've been doing this since 2012, when Obama announced the program.
Over a decade later, the future still looks grim for the program that gave temporary relief from deportations.
The program has had its share of critics and foes. In 2017, Trump ordered the termination of DACA.
Luis Cortes Romero, an immigrant lawyer and DACA recipient, was part of the team that defended the case.
In another election year, feelings from DACA recipients about another Trump administration varies.
For people like Samantha, a paralegal in Hollister, CA neither candidate seems to be on our side.
Recent contradictory immigration announcements have made it difficult to know where the administration stands regarding DACA
A second Trump term would mean a more precise execution of his polices, says Luis.
Its a fine line trying to not be bleak while also being reassuring. It comes down to if you have DACA, keep renewing it.

Julio Salgado (@juliosalgado83) is a digital illustrator based in Long Beach.
