
What is an executive order? A look at Trump’s tool for quickly reshaping government

President Trump signs an executive order in 2017.
President Trump signs an executive order in 2017.
(Andrew Harnik / Associated Press)

President Trump returns to the White House ready to immediately overhaul the government using the fastest tool he has — the executive order.

An incoming president signing a flurry of executive orders is standard practice. Executive orders allow a president to wield power without action from Congress. But there are also limits to what orders can achieve.

Here is how the presidential power works and its often fleeting effect:

What are executive orders?

Basically, they are signed statements about how the president wants the federal government to be managed. They can be instructions to federal agencies or requests for reports.


Many orders can be unobjectionable, such as giving federal employees the day after Christmas off. They can also lay out major policies. For example, President Biden signed an order to create a structure for establishing regulations on artificial intelligence. But executive orders — and their policy sausage-making siblings, the proclamation and political memorandum — also are used by presidents to pursue agendas they can’t get through Congress.

Donald Trump took the oath of office to become the 47th president in a historic Inauguration Day.

New presidents can — and often do — issue orders to cancel the orders of their predecessors.

As the American Bar Assn. notes, the orders do not require congressional approval and can’t be directly overturned by lawmakers. Still, Congress could block an order from being fulfilled by removing funding or creating other hurdles.


How common are executive orders?

Throughout U.S. history, there have been several thousand executive orders, according to data collected by the American Presidency Project at UC Santa Barbara. George Washington signed eight executive orders, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt did 3,721.

During his first term, Trump signed 220.

Biden had signed 160 as of Dec. 20.

President Trump’s second inaugural address features similar themes to his first: a sweeping indictment of the country he inherits and grand promises to fix its problems.

Executive orders are often about political messaging

Trump, on his first day back in office, signed numerous executive orders tied to his campaign promises. These included a temporary hiring freeze for federal agencies, a mandate that federal employees return to their offices for work and a review of federal investigations that Trump suggested had targeted his supporters. He’s also promised an executive order to give more time for the sale of TikTok.

Trump had asked Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) to write an order stopping the development of offshore windmills for generating electricity. It’s entirely possible that Trump could also roll out many planned executive orders over time.


Many of Trump’s measures are likely to draw Democratic opposition. And in several major cases, the orders will largely be statements of intent based off campaign promises made by Trump.

There are limits to the power of executive orders

Congress and the courts can potentially block executive orders.

For example, Congress in 1992 revoked an executive order by then-President George H.W. Bush that would establish a human fetal tissue bank for scientific research by passing a measure that the order “shall not have any legal effect.” Congress can also deny funding to agencies and hamstring the enforcement of an order.

There are also legal challenges based on the argument that a president exceeded his legal authorities. When President Truman tried to seize steel mills during the Korean War, the U.S. Supreme Court said he lacked the authority to take private property without authorization from Congress.

Boak writes for the Associated Press.
