
Hershey’s Chocolate World wants to keep Las Vegas fans guessing

Hershey’s Chocolate World is tough to miss on the Las Vegas Strip. The exterior features a 74-foot high by 24-foot wide replica of a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar, an 18-foot Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and eight dancing Hershey’s Kisses.

Inside the 13,000-square-foot chocolate haven, there’s a replica of the Statue of Liberty made from 800 pounds of Hershey’s Milk Chocolate and a statue of the Empire State Building made from 1,800 Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars.

Now the mecca for 800 varieties of candy at New York-New York has a new attraction to keep fans guessing — a replica of the Statue of Liberty made entirely of red Twizzlers.


Fans who want to ensure a trip to the dentist can guess just how many of those licorice strings make up the piece and win prizes to boot. Head over to the resort’s Facebook page, like it and then guess just how many Twizzlers make up the statue.

“Price Is Right” rules apply, so the person coming closest to the number without going over wins an overnight stay at the resort, $50 in food and beverage credit, a $100 gift certificate to Hershey’s Chocolate World and, of course, Twizzlers.

Fans can guess the number through noon on Friday, May 29, with the winner selected on Wednesday, June 3, to mark the first anniversary of the shop.
Info: Hershey’s Chocolate World, (702) 740-6969
