
Check it out, check it in: The Wine Check rolling transport bag

Special to the Los Angeles Times

Oenophiles needn’t ship home fabulous finds from vineyard visits far and wide. Instead, they can stash up to a case (12 bottles) of wine in the Wine Check, a padded wheeled bag fitted with a removable 12-slot Styrofoam wine-shipper box that can be checked as luggage at the airport.

When full, the Wine Check weighs in under the typical 50-pound airline weight limit for checked bags. (Of course, there’s often a surcharge for extra checked bags, but even if you exceed your free limit, this still may be a safer and cheaper alternative to shipping.)

When the shipper box is removed, you can use the bag as a rolling duffel or collapse it for transport or storage. The wheeled bag has a removable strap for pulling and built-in cloth handles for lifting.


Wine Check costs $59.
