
‘Friendly Skies’ exhibit recalls a time when flight crews wore psychedelic uniforms and bubble helmets

Italian designer Emilio Pucci created a series of airline uniforms for now defunct Braniff International Airlines in the mid-’60s and early ’70s. One of his sexy, vibrant-colored outfits became known as the “air strip” because flight attendants could remove a layer to change the uniform as the flight progressed.

Pucci’s creations and other collectibles from the glamorous days of flying will be on display — and for sale — at the Peekaboo Gallery in Old Town Pasadena for a limited time.


“Friendly Skies: The Art of High Altitude Travel” opens Aug. 18 and continues through Sept. 23.

Branded flight bags, luggage tags, aircraft models, uniforms, airline signage and even a 10-foot chunk of a Pan Am fuselage, which will serve as the official photo booth, are part of the exhibit.


Some of the airline collectibles that appear in “Friendly Skies” are from Pan Am, Braniff, TWA, United, Eastern, British Airways and even the Russian carrier Aeroflot.

Fashionistas will appreciate different styles of uniforms designed by Pucci, including the mod orange-and-pink ensemble topped off by a space-age bubble helmet.


Older outfits include a blue-gray TWA uniform with matching hat that dates to 1944.

Vintage travel posters were created by top artists to exude the excitement of travel to exotic destinations.

A 1970 Peter Max silkscreen poster made to showcase PanAm’s 747 jet, original Delta Airlines and TWA travel posters, and a 1950s “sky stairs” sign from Eastern Airlines also are featured.

Info: Peekaboo Gallery, 40 Mills Place, Pasadena; (626) 800-5355‬



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